868MHZ Antenna With Magnetic Base and SMA Connector - EnOcean - Vitec
€ 22,80
Remote antenna EnOcean This antenna amplifies signals in the 868MHz frequency band. It is therefore.....
868MHZ Antenna With SMA Connector - EnOcean - Vitec
€ 12,00
This antenna amplifies signals in the 868MHz frequency band. It is therefore particularly well adapt.....
Enocean Module Extension for Zipabox
€ 129,00
EnOcean é um protocolo de automação residencial sem fio que usa a faixa de freqüência 868MHz . Esta .....
Extension EnOcean for IPX800 V4 - GCE ELECTRONICS
€ 89,99
Add EnOcean technology to your IPX800 V4 card! The X-ENO enables wireless and battery-free magnet.....
USB Controller - EnOcean USB - Vitec
€ 89,54
USB310 is the brand new USB gateway with a female SMA connector. The USB310 allows you to connect yo.....
USB Dongle EnOcean
€ 36,90
O USB300 é uma pequena ponte USB que se conecta um computador à rede sem fio EnOcean: sensores, at.....