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The BUTTON by Fibaro is valable as of now!

By this button FIBARO presents the newest addition the intelligent home. 
THE BUTTON is the first wireless device with such a unique, yet simplistic design with incredible power and functionality. With THE BUTTON, a simple click can control the entire home. This compact, battery-powered and Z-Wave Plus compatible device allows you to control devices through the Z-Wave network and run various defined scenes.
Different actions may be triggered with one to five clicks or by holding the button down. In panic mode, each press of the button results in triggering of the emergency scene. 


With its small design and wireless communication, the FIBARO BUTTON can be conveniently mounted on any surface and in any position or location at home, e.g. beside the bed or under the desk.

  • Compatible with any Z-Wave or Z-Wave+ Controller
  • Supports protected mode (Z-Wave network security mode) with AES-128 encryption
  • Completely wireless with battery power and Z-Wave communication
  • May be installed anywhere in your home
  • Extremely easy installation - simply add and put on desired surface
  • Many colour variations: white, black, red, yellow, green, blue, brown and orange


Compatibilidade controlador principal
eeDomus+ Full Compatible
Fibaro Home Center 2 v4.160 Full Compatible
Fibaro Home Center Lite v.4.160 Full Compatible
Zipabox/Zipaminicro/ZipaTile not texted
Piper / Piper NV (v.1.7.1) not texted
Indigo not texted
jeedom Full Compatible
ZiHome not texted
Tech Data
Power Supply Batery ER14250 (1/2AA) 3,6V
SDK 6.51.09
App Version 3.02
Device Type Wall Controller
Z-Wave Alliance Product Link Wall Controller
Incluison 1) Place the Button within the direct range of your Z-Wave controller. 2) Set the main controller in (security/non-security) add mode (see the controller’s manual). 3) Click the Button at least six times. 4) Wait for the adding process to end. 5) Successful adding will be confirmed by the Z-Wave controller’s message.
Exclusion 1) Place the Button within the direct range of your Z-Wave controller. 2) Set the main controller in remove mode (see the controller’s manual). 3) Click the Button at least six times. 4) Wait for the removing process to end. 5) Successful removing will be confirmed by the Z-Wave controller’s message.
Factory Reset Reset procedure allows to restore the device back to its factory settings, which means all information about the Z-Wave controller and user configuration will be deleted. In order to reset the device: 1) Click the Button exactly five times. 2) Press and hold the Button for at least 5 seconds. Please use this procedure only when the network primary controller is missing or otherwise inoperable
Wake Up The Button needs to be woken up to receive information about the new configuration from the controller, like parameters and associations. 1) Click the Button 4 times to wake it up


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Z-Wave Portugal

A loja online que vende soluções para a automação das habitações através das redes sem fios e do protocolo Z-Wave. Z-Wave é o standard internacional para as redes sem fio dos sistemas de controlo para habitações. Com base nestas soluções pode gerir a iluminação, a electricidade, os estores, os alarmes e muito mais, optimizando a utilização destes meios. Os produtos Z-Wave, mesmo os de diferentes fabricantes, funcionam bem em conjunto permitindo o controlo efectivo da casa inteligente.

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